HL4Y is a not for profit organisation with charitable aims
We aim to promote Health and Wellbeing to local people in the community (Families,
Children & Young people). As well as running Health workshops, we use Dance, Art & Craft and Leisure activities to enable service users to achieve emotional and Physical wellbeing. Healthier Life 4 You works at both a strategic and service delivery level to re address health inequalities and support local residents to be empowered to improve their health, have more information and better access to local health services.
COST: free
Venue: Westminster Wellbeing Centre, 192-198 Vauxhall
Bridge Road, London, SW1V 1DX
Date: Fridays from 2pm to 4pm
For residents living in Westminster
For more information email: healthierlife4you@ymail.com
call/text: 07826 253 786
supported by Central and North West London (NHS Foundation Trust)
social activities e.g crotchetting, body movement & stretches etc.