Saturday 21 January 2012

Photo from MRCF AGM 24 November 2011



Bike Training is back again with new group of trainees coming in large numbers, to learn how to cycle and enjoy themselves. And also those who have trained to cycle and are there to exercise and socialise with the group.
New comers are always welcome to attend the session and the Trainer is very patient and good at motivating those cycling for the first time to focus and take the challenge head on.
And at this time of the year when the weather's cold and freezing at times, people need a lot of motivation to come out and cycle,and once they are out and in the park, they seem to forget about the  weather and the inconvenience of cycling in the wind or rain and just get along with it. But that's half the fun because once they are in that positive frame of mind, they are in tune with the weather and by the time they are finished, they are entirely in a different world. They are happy and energised but most of all they have won the day.
And everything's ok.

Thursday 19 January 2012

NEW YEAR!!!!!!!

                              "LETS DANCE"

Chicken Stir fry

Chicken stir fry with mixed  vegetables


Happy New Year

We started the New Year with renewed energy and vitality and this was evident in the way the participants engaged themselves fully with vigour as the African dance session resumes after the christmas break.
The Tutor took us through the different steps of the dance explaining along the way how each steps complement the dance and the reason why some of the dance movements are structured in such a way that the music and the dance steps are in sync.
It's science and arts blend together to form a dance movement.
The beauty of these dance sessions is that all the different Tutors have a diverse range of Afican dance techniques,movements, songs and the participants, young and old benefit from it all.
By the time we finish a session,we are eager for the next one to begin and I think that this is one of the best ways to motivate one to get active and feel happy.